
International exchange programs in the social field

Over 23 years old, working in the social field and interested in professional and intercultural exchanges, CIF-France can allow you to participate in an international exchange program in a member country of CIF International, or in a French program if you are a professional from another country. A minimum of two years’ professional experience and fluency of English or the language of the host country are required to apply

Going abroad
Coming to France

Our International Network

National Branches

CIF is present in 80 countries and has 31 branches worldwide. 24 of these branches organise programmes of varying lengths from 2 weeks to 1 year. These are organised on a voluntary basis by CIF members who have themselves benefited from an exchange programme.

Each CIF program is organized according to the same structure in which there is an international group, a welcome in volunteer families, an orientation seminar to understand the main issues of the country’s social organization, a period of professional immersion in social structures according to the participant’s expectations, and a time to evaluate the program.

Discover CIF France

32nd International Congress in Kalamata (Greece) – 2017

A word from the President

Welcome to CIF FRANCE,

I invite you to discover CIF FRANCE  life, its activities in France, Europe and throughout the world.

CIF FRANCE was founded in 1966 with the aim of promoting international exchanges between professionals in the social and socio-cultural fields in a spirit of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding.

Our motto was, is and always will be: ‘Building bridges rather than walls’.

Everyone is a bearer of knowledge and can therefore participate in the construction of the CIF edifice by taking part in various actions according to their possibilities and skills, in a spirit of respect, exchange and acceptance of each other’s cultural, social and other differences.

The richness of the exchanges, thanks to the professional and cultural diversity, gives those taking part a greater openness to the complexity of social change. Our actions are based on the exchange of our respective practices and know-how. Our overriding objective is to promote better intercultural understanding through our actions in the field.

You are going to share with us our experiences, our projects and the life of the association. Our network extends across the different regions of France: professionals who have taken part in a CIF programme in one of the 25 organising countries, partners in the institutions that host foreign professionals every year, host families, partners in European projects and local authorities.

We are a team of volunteers from the professional world of social work.

We continue to develop through European projects and to provide support to our former participants in setting up a CIF branch in their country.

 We are ready for new professional meetings in a friendly atmosphere.


We look forward to sharing these exchanges with you.

Mireille Boucher

President of CIF France