Register for the Board of Directors
June, 28th to July, 1st
Register for the Conference
July, 1st to July, 6th
A word from the President
Dear All,
I have the pleasure to invite you to the next BD meeting in Saint Malo before the 33rd Conference as President of CIF FRANCE, as President of CIF International.
- Those who need a visa, CIF FRANCE will send an invitation. It can take a long time please be aware of that and register early enough.
- Inform us as soon as possible about your venue to the BD . Remember we need the quorum.
- You can register online and the payment will confirm your registration.
Please note that the BD starts on Saturday June, 29th 9:00AM, and ends on Monday, July 1st at 12:00PM. Arrival on Friday June, 28th (3 nights included). The package includes 3 nights with breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches from June, 29th to July, 1st. No dinner.
If you want to book an extra night , please contact on your own the center Patrick Varangot (Phone +33 2 99 40 29 80 or E-mail
If you cannot come as President, please ask within your NB if there is anybody to represent your NB at the BD.
For CIF International it is very important to have exchanges face to face for a better understanding. It is why we expect that as many as possible can join the next BD and the next conference.
– CIF International will reimburse you for accomodation for the BD on the base of double room in Saint Malo but you have to pay in advance.
-Merja will inform you about the grants for BD and Conference.
See you next year in Saint Malo
Welcome !
Mireille BOUCHER
Présidente du CIF FRANCE et du CIF International