Programme de la Conférence2019-06-13T14:32:48+02:00

Congrès 2019

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Le programme comprend des assemblées, et des ateliers de travail collectifs. Nous essaierons de développer une réflexion collective à travers des sessions plénières avec un discours d’ouverture et des tables rondes, ainsi que des ateliers et des visites d’établissements. Bien sûr, nous prendrons aussi le temps de nous divertir, de visiter le Mont Saint-Michel et la ville historique fortifiée de Saint-Malo.


14.00-16.00 Contact persons meeting

                    Professional exchange program meeting

17.00-18.30    OPENING CEREMONY ( Salles Grand Plage et Rochebonne)

A representative of the Town Hall of Saint-Malo

                    A representative of the Regional Council of Brittany

                    Mireille Boucher, President of CIF International

                    Margaret Longuevre, Vice-President of CIF France

                    Hervé Coulouarn, Historian: A short presentation of the spot where CIF-Conference takes place: Saint-Malo, FRANCE

18.30-19h30  COMPLIMENTARY VIN D’HONNEUR by the Municipality of Saint-Malo


9:00-12:30  PLENARY SESSION 

  • 9.00-10.30 Presentation and moderation: John Ward, Researcher in Social History at Paris 13 University

Keynote lecture ” New  Public  Management  -Philosophical and Anthropological foundations“- Marc HUMBERT, Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at University of Rennes.

The New Public Management came as a supposed solution to bypass the limits faced by the traditional, “Old”, Public Management. The Narrative that supported its introduction focussed on the new procedures to be implemented which were seen as more democratic. The rationale to convince the decision-makers was its efficiency, scientifically assessed. Nevertheless, thirty years later, civil servants who had to work according to its rule and citizens who were supposed to benefit from its implementation, both are disappointed. It is necessary to search behind the procedures and behind the supposed efficiency to understand such a general disappointment. This is the reason why the philosophical and anthropological foundations that are behind the New Public Management will be questioned.

Marc Humbert is Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at University of Rennes (1). He has promoted for years the building of a Political and Ethical Knowledge in Economic Activities. He organised numerous international conferences and co-founded an international association (PEKEA) in 2002 and then, in this line, has contributed, since its inception in 2013, to the development of a new strand of thought in Humanities and Social Sciences “Convivialism”.

10.45-11.15 Break

  • 11.15-12.30  ” Market logic as regulation of the offer in social action: An inept practice for working with and for others“- Roland JANVIER, ex-Director General of the Fondation Massé Trévidy ( Finistère)

 The new public management (NPM) is a model of state action, supposed to be more ethical to run social programs than the old devices, rather marked by local arrangements where subtle adjustments between the public authorities and the actors in the field prevailed. This presentation will aim to demonstrate the ineptitude that the application of rules from the trade of goods and products to the actions of solidarities carried by the State, local authorities and social action associations represent.   It will highlight the specificities of work with and for others that combines, in a context of uncertainty, fragile alliances between social actors and beneficiaries, taking into account the complexity of individual and collective situations, recognition empowering users and promoting their citizenship. However, these values and orientations are incompatible with the game of competition, which places economic criteria at the forefront, a standardization of practices and privileges important organizations, the only ones capable of responding to the plethoric procedures induced by this system.

Roland Janvier holds degrees in social work and management of institutions. He holds a phD in Information Sciences and Communication. He is the author of professional essays on the rights of users, the management function, quality and evaluation1. He intervenes in various professional and university trainings and in colloquiums. blog:

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-18.00 WORKSHOPS

  • 14.00-15.30:  Workshop n°1– Semi plenary session ” Social workers struggling with primitive forms of management”(1950-1970)-

-Samuel BOUISSON, Historian-PhD Education Sciences-Lecturer-Paris 8 University

We want to reflect on the primitive forms of management found in social work since the 1950s, in a diffuse way, as well as to the experiences of social workers. Between desire for modernity, participation in evaluation and resistance, how did they position themselves and how did these new norms and practices affect their practices?

Moderation and translation by John Ward  with Nadine ROGUE et Marie-Claire LOUVEAU, CIF-France.

Workshop n°2: “Taking into account the voice and knowledge of the people we are working with: a leverage for change”

Pascale BUDIN, ATD Quart-Monde and Carole Le Floch, High Council of Social Work in the college of accompanied persons, peer co-trainer

Moderation and translation with Annie ROUFFET, Karin LUSCHER CIF-France members and Maria CHRISTOPOULOU CIF-Cyprus

Workshop n°3: “Heritage and Transmission, expressing our Professional knowledge”

-Martine TRAPON, Social Worker, Former Director of the “Ecole Normale sociale”, Institute for Training in Social Work.

Robert Castel, in the foreword to his book “La montée des incertitudes, travail, protection, statut de l’individu” quotes a formula by Paul Valéry concerning the kingdom of France at the time of Montesquieu, before 1789, “Le corps social perd tout doucement son lendemain” He adds that if we are not on the eve of a revolution, “a considerable transformation has taken place (….) as to how we can represent the future and have influence on it”.
In this workshop we propose to share our experiences on several issues: the relationship to the social body, that is, in what we are dealing with, our relationship to the trades we are talking about here and more broadly to the changes in this relationship for everyone in a society that has become a “society of individuals”.
Our representation of social progress because, as Robert Castel writes, “it is not only a conceptual construction that makes sense in an ideology of history. For social subjects, it is lived through the concrete projects they implement on a daily basis, oriented towards a future that will ensure their well-being”, concrete projects that constitute the cornerstone of our support practices in the exercise of our professions. 
Finally, since it is a question of “saying our jobs”, it will be a question of speaking out about what we are the heirs and what we transmit. We will therefore not be able to avoid examining the metamorphoses that we are all going through, especially in our relationship to the past, the present and the future of these particular social work professions

Moderation and translation with Despina OIKONOMOU, CIF-Greece and Therese FERRAGUT, CIF-France

15.30-16.00 Break

16.00-17.30: Workshop n°4 – Semi plenary session “Ethics of accompaniment and criticism of technicism”

– Dominique DEPENNE- Social Worker, Doctorate in Political sociology- Lecturer at the Buc-Ressources Campus of social professions

Too often confused with morality or ethics, the ethical question brings into play fundamental dimensions of the inter-human relationship of accompaniment. It is from a perspective of these challenges that the difference between “accompaniment” and “care”, the triptych distance/fusion/proximity, will be questioned, which, in a second step, will lead to a critique of the technical logics of human reification.

Moderation and translation by John Ward with Nicole BOUSCAILLOU and Marta ELBAILE, CIF-France.

Workshop n°5: “Impact of New Public Management and the economic context on professions”

 Sylvia NUTTER, CIF-Argentina: “Reflections on a social program for children carried out by the national government in Argentina”

-Galina KURGANOVA, CIF-Russia: ” Some new trends and challenges in transmission of the system of social care in Russia

Moderation and translation with Therese FERRAGUT and Nadine DE Brulher CIF-France and Maria CHRISTOPOULOU CIF Cyprus

Workshop n°6Creativity and Social Work”-

-Antoinette LE POMELLEC , Association “Café Joyeux”

The association “Café Joyeux” helps people with mental or cognitive disabilities to integrate by offering them work in an ordinary environment.

Vanesa SANTOS CASADO –Social worker – Spain – « CreArtivity »

As social workers we face complex situations everyday and is not always possible to give a fixed answer to a given issue, in other words, sometimes we need to take different ways to get to the same goal. The prison system in Spain is a very normative environment where flexibility is really limited. Inmates’ circumstances are really variable and answers to their problems can not be established in advance. In this scenario CREATIVITY plays an essential role improving the life and conditions of people who need to be helped. In this workshop it will be shown you how CREATIVITY is added to the daily work in a spanish prison. CREARTIVITY is pun formed by the words CREATIVITY and ART. This title was chosen  because in the social field you can develop your work in a creative way, wich sometimes results in artwork.

Moderation and translation with Eleni ATHANASIOU CIF-Cyprus, Nadine DE BRULHER and Karin LUSCHER CIF-France.

18.00-19.00  Executive committee introduction candidates

19.30-20.30: Dinner

21.00-22.00:  Branches meetings

9.00- 12.15  PLENARY SESSION

9.00-10.45 Presentation and projection of the movie “I Daniel Blake”  Ken LOACH

10.45-11.00 Break

11.00-12.00 Debate moderated by Herbert SZLOVIK, Social Worker and Bachelor in Sciences of Film, Theater and Media, CIF Austria

12.15: Group photo

12.30-14.00   Lunch

14.00-17.30  PLENARY SESSION

Presentation and animation – John Ward –Researcher in Social Sciences at Paris 13 University

  • Eric Pliez*, General director of Association Aurore – President of SAMU SOCIAL

Creativity and innovation in a context of management constraints – what conditions to achieve it?

Eric Pliez is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique (ENSP) and is the General Manager of the Aurore association since 2001. Specialized training educator and actively involved in a large number of associations working for integration and the fight against exclusion, Eric Pliez calls upon the following
a very specialized knowledge of the field. Treasurer of the office of the Federation of Solidarity Actors (formerly Fnars) which brings together more than 900 associations fighting against exclusion, Eric Pliez has been President since 2013 of the Samu social de Paris, which coordinates all accommodation for the homeless in Ile-de-France. Eric Pliez accepted the presidency of Les Canaux in 2017 to convey the message of Social and Solidarity Economy: cooperation, social utility, local anchoring and short circuits. Its objective is to enable actors from these different sectors to meet and act together, particularly through solidarity finance tools, in order to be a facilitator, an incubator of ideas, a transmitter.

  • Alice Casagrande – Director of the training, innovation and associative life department at FEHAP (Federation of Hospital and Personnal assistance Establishments)

«Grounding management on real people’s voices. A critical perspective following the ´Partners in knowledge experience’ »

Alice Casagrande is a graduate of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, the University of Cambridge and holder of a master’s degree and a DEA in ethical philosophy, former deputy director of the Autonomous Health Directorate in charge of quality, risk management and the promotion of well-being at the French Red Cross, she is currently director of training, innovation and community life at the FEHAP (Fédération des établissements hospitaliers & d’aide à la personne privé non lucratifs). In her personal capacity, she has been Vice-Chairwoman of the Commission to Combat Abuse and Promote Well-Being since February 2018, and has also participated as an expert in the work of the Independent Commission to Investigate Sexual Abuse in the Church since February 2019. She teaches on the theme of managerial ethics at the University of Paris Dauphine and at the Espace éthique d’Ile de France. Alice Casagrande is the author of numerous articles on ethical issues and the care of vulnerable people, as well as four books (ed Dunod): Ethical Issues around the Living Donor (2005), Aging in an Institution (2006), What Abuse Teaches Us (2012) Ethics and Care and Support Management (2016).

  • Michel Chauviere*, Emeritus Researcher, PhD sociologist at CNRS (National Center for Scientifical Research)

«Trade expertise and transmission: new contexts, new challenges»

For a long time, the profession has been the recognized framework for the competence and legitimacy of the various forms of employee social intervention. For a long time, different professional schools, gradually with university status, have ensured the transmission of these values. Today, this mode of professionalization is in sharp decline. The various level III trades, at Bac +2, are no longer the master beam of the building and professionals lose the relative autonomy of judgment and decision that they had. From now on, the organization of work is differentiated between executives with a higher level of qualification for management, direction, training, research, etc. and executive staff with lower levels of qualification for more subordinate and less and less clinical actions. For their part, training centres forget the transmission of social thinking in order to move towards employability in the service of operators. Social work is slowly losing its meaning and ideals to become a labour enterprise. And social workers are struggling with the profound alteration of their jobs, in a feeling of injustice, demoralization aFor a long time, the profession has been the recognized framework for the competence and legitimacy of the various forms of employee social intervention. For a long time, different professional schools, gradually with university status, have ensured the transmission of these values. Today, this mode of professionalization is in sharp decline. The various level III trades, at Bac +2, are no longer the master beam of the building and professionals lose the relative autonomy of judgment and decision that they had. From now on, the organization of work is differentiated between executives with a higher level of qualification for management, direction, training, research, etc. and executive staff with lower levels of qualification formore subordinate and less and less clinical actions. For theirpart, training centres forget the transmission of social thinking in order to move towards employability in the service of operators. Social work is slowly losing its meaning and ideals tobecome a labour enterprise. And social workers are struggling with the profound alteration of their nd revolt.

Michel Chauvière is a sociologist and political scientist, emeritus research director at CNRS, member of CERSA, Paris II University ( His main works deal with the history and ongoing transformations of the “realized social”, with equal attention to social rights and social policies, institutions, associations and other supports necessary for action, actors and especially those social work in the field, to citizens with so-called user rights, as well as everything that is exchanged between them. He is the author of many books and contributions on all these subjects.

18.00-19.30 BD meting for EC Election

19.30-20.30  Dinner

Free Evening


Registrations will be taken at your arrival on monday.

  1. C.A.T. Armor ( Centre d’Aide par le travail): Sheltered workshop for disabled ans autistic adults
  2. Jardin solidaire: Community gardening organisation. Kitchen gardening on plots made available for persons at risk wishing to grow fruits and vegetables
  3. Banque alimentaire: Organisation collecting and distributing food to disadvantaged people
  4. E.H.P.A.D. Jean XXIII ( Etablissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes): Support and accomodation facility for eldery dépendent persons
  5. C.H.R.S. Le Goëland ( Centre d’hébergement et de réinsertion sociale): Centre for accomodation and social reintegration, or halfway house Support facility for women exposed to domestic violence
  6. A.M.I.D.S. ( Association malouine d’insertion et de développement social): A local organisation for social integration and development that seeks to meet emergency needs
  7. I.M.E. La Pouparderie ( Institut médico-social): An agency for special needs children between 3 and 20 years of age.
  8. S.A.V.S. ( Service d’accompagnement à la vie sociale): Day care service for people with mental desorders

12.00 return to Varangot

12.30 Departure for Picnic

14.00-18.00 Sightseeing Tour

18.00-19.30 Free time

And preparation of nations market

19.30-20.30: Diner

21.00-23.00 Nations Market

8.30-10.30 General Assembly

10.45-12.30: PLENARY SESSION

  • Workshops and study days summaries
  • Presentation of an International Exchange Week on Child Protection co-organised by Universities in Cyprus, Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • Conclusions of the Conference

12.30-14.00: Lunch

14.00-16.00   New EC Meeting

14.00-18.00  Free afternoon

18.30 Departure from Varangot to the for Evening Party

19.00-Midnight: DINNER and FAREWELL PARTY